The HPe Synergy platform has a very comprehensive RESTFul API and makes collecting data a very simple process once you have the basics down with regards to authentication and necessary header information.
It's great to have access to this data since it can be combined with VMWare and Storage data to give us a better idea of the physical infrastructure and how it is utilized for SAN connectivity as an example. I'll talk more about this is in a later post, but for now we'll focus on the mechanics of pulling Synergy data.
For more information on how to get started, go to the HPe Documentation website.
You need to have the IP/hostname of the appliance and login credentials for at least read access. Login supports local and AD authentication.
We'll use the GO language with very basic code snippets to authenticate, grab a session ID and issue a GET request for Enclosures. The process is the same for a majority of the endpoints.
A few global variables we'll need throughout. Appliance needs to be changed to the hostname/IP of your installation.
//Global vars
//Session ID
var sessid string
//End points
var sessurl = "https://appliance/rest/login-sessions"
var encurl = "https://appliance/rest/enclosures"
Setup a client to support self-signed cert (if needed).
//self signed cert support
tr := &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify : true},
client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
Issue a POST with login data and required headers as noted below. X-Api-Version will depend on your installation. GET endpoint https://appliance/rest/version. Look at the currentVersion value.
For AD authentication, you'll need to include the authLoginDomain attribute and the username with format. Adjust to your installation.
//login data
//only needed in initial login. Will use session id afterwards
authdat := map[string]string{"userName": "username@ADdomain", "password": "mypassword", "authLoginDomain": "ADdomain", "loginMsgAck": "true"}
auth, _ := json.Marshal(authdat)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", sessurl, bytes.NewBuffer(auth))
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
req.Header.Add("Accept", "application/json")
req.Header.Add("X-Api-Version", "800")
Make the client call and retrieve the sessionID from the response.
//Client SessionID call
resp, reqerr := client.Do(req)
if reqerr != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s", reqerr)
} else {
//Capture Session ID
//the following resp data is []byte type
jsondat, resperr := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if resperr != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s", resperr)
var jdat map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(jsondat, &jdat); err != nil {
sessid = jdat["sessionID"].(string)
Now we can add session id to the header via the auth keyword. We'll then call the enclosures endpoint and process some basic information for example purposes.
This utilizies struct. I have the enclosures struct provided below. I used JSON-to-Go to convert a sample json response to GO struct in this case.
//Actual data call
reqenc, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", encurl, nil)
reqenc.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
reqenc.Header.Add("Accept", "application/json")
reqenc.Header.Add("X-Api-Version", "800")
reqenc.Header.Add("auth", sessid )
respenc, reqerrenc := client.Do(reqenc)
if reqerrenc != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s", reqerrenc)
} else {
jsondat2, resperr2 := ioutil.ReadAll(respenc.Body)
if resperr2 != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s", resperr2)
var jdat2 Enclosures
if err := json.Unmarshal(jsondat2, &jdat2); err != nil {
for _, mem := range jdat2.Members {
fmt.Printf("Name: %s %s %s\n", mem.Name, mem.Status, mem.State)
for _, bay := range mem.DeviceBays {
fmt.Printf(" Bay: %v %s\n", bay.BayNumber, bay.DeviceBayType)
We issue a logout (DELETE) for the current session when complete.
reqout, _ := http.NewRequest("DELETE", sessurl, nil)
reqout.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
reqout.Header.Add("Accept", "application/json")
reqout.Header.Add("X-Api-Version", "800")
reqout.Header.Add("auth", sessid )
respout, reqerrout := client.Do(reqout)
if reqerrout != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s", reqerrout)
} else {
fmt.Println("Logout success")
Enclosures struct used above.
//This is the JSON structure returned by Synergy RESTFul service converted to struct
type Enclosures struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
URI string `json:"uri"`
Category string `json:"category"`
ETag time.Time `json:"eTag"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
Modified time.Time `json:"modified"`
Start int `json:"start"`
Count int `json:"count"`
Total int `json:"total"`
PrevPageURI interface{} `json:"prevPageUri"`
NextPageURI interface{} `json:"nextPageUri"`
Members []struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
URI string `json:"uri"`
Category string `json:"category"`
ETag time.Time `json:"eTag"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
Modified time.Time `json:"modified"`
RefreshState string `json:"refreshState"`
StateReason string `json:"stateReason"`
EnclosureType string `json:"enclosureType"`
EnclosureTypeURI string `json:"enclosureTypeUri"`
EnclosureModel string `json:"enclosureModel"`
UUID string `json:"uuid"`
SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"`
PartNumber string `json:"partNumber"`
ReconfigurationState string `json:"reconfigurationState"`
UIDState string `json:"uidState"`
LicensingIntent string `json:"licensingIntent"`
DeviceBayCount int `json:"deviceBayCount"`
DeviceBays []struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
BayNumber int `json:"bayNumber"`
Model interface{} `json:"model"`
DevicePresence string `json:"devicePresence"`
ProfileURI string `json:"profileUri"`
DeviceURI string `json:"deviceUri"`
CoveredByProfile string `json:"coveredByProfile"`
CoveredByDevice string `json:"coveredByDevice"`
Ipv4Setting struct {
IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress"`
Mode string `json:"mode"`
IPAssignmentState string `json:"ipAssignmentState"`
IPRangeURI string `json:"ipRangeUri"`
} `json:"ipv4Setting"`
URI string `json:"uri"`
Category string `json:"category"`
ETag interface{} `json:"eTag"`
Created interface{} `json:"created"`
Modified interface{} `json:"modified"`
AvailableForHalfHeightProfile bool `json:"availableForHalfHeightProfile"`
AvailableForFullHeightProfile bool `json:"availableForFullHeightProfile"`
DeviceBayType string `json:"deviceBayType"`
DeviceFormFactor string `json:"deviceFormFactor"`
BayPowerState string `json:"bayPowerState"`
ChangeState string `json:"changeState"`
AvailableForHalfHeightDoubleWideProfile bool `json:"availableForHalfHeightDoubleWideProfile"`
AvailableForFullHeightDoubleWideProfile bool `json:"availableForFullHeightDoubleWideProfile"`
UUID interface{} `json:"uuid"`
PowerAllocationWatts int `json:"powerAllocationWatts"`
SerialConsole bool `json:"serialConsole"`
} `json:"deviceBays"`
InterconnectBayCount int `json:"interconnectBayCount"`
InterconnectBays []struct {
BayNumber int `json:"bayNumber"`
InterconnectURI interface{} `json:"interconnectUri"`
LogicalInterconnectURI interface{} `json:"logicalInterconnectUri"`
InterconnectModel interface{} `json:"interconnectModel"`
Ipv4Setting interface{} `json:"ipv4Setting"`
SerialNumber interface{} `json:"serialNumber"`
InterconnectBayType string `json:"interconnectBayType"`
ChangeState string `json:"changeState"`
BayPowerState string `json:"bayPowerState"`
PowerAllocationWatts interface{} `json:"powerAllocationWatts"`
SerialConsole interface{} `json:"serialConsole"`
PartNumber string `json:"partNumber,omitempty"`
} `json:"interconnectBays"`
FanBayCount int `json:"fanBayCount"`
FanBays []struct {
BayNumber int `json:"bayNumber"`
DevicePresence string `json:"devicePresence"`
DeviceRequired bool `json:"deviceRequired"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Model string `json:"model"`
PartNumber string `json:"partNumber"`
SparePartNumber string `json:"sparePartNumber"`
FanBayType string `json:"fanBayType"`
ChangeState string `json:"changeState"`
SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"`
} `json:"fanBays"`
PowerSupplyBayCount int `json:"powerSupplyBayCount"`
PowerSupplyBays []struct {
BayNumber int `json:"bayNumber"`
DevicePresence string `json:"devicePresence"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Model string `json:"model"`
SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"`
PartNumber string `json:"partNumber"`
SparePartNumber string `json:"sparePartNumber"`
PowerSupplyBayType string `json:"powerSupplyBayType"`
ChangeState string `json:"changeState"`
OutputCapacityWatts int `json:"outputCapacityWatts"`
} `json:"powerSupplyBays"`
EnclosureGroupURI string `json:"enclosureGroupUri"`
FwBaselineURI string `json:"fwBaselineUri"`
FwBaselineName string `json:"fwBaselineName"`
IsFwManaged bool `json:"isFwManaged"`
ForceInstallFirmware bool `json:"forceInstallFirmware"`
LogicalEnclosureURI string `json:"logicalEnclosureUri"`
ManagerBays []struct {
BayNumber int `json:"bayNumber"`
ManagerType string `json:"managerType"`
UIDState string `json:"uidState"`
BayPowerState string `json:"bayPowerState"`
FwVersion string `json:"fwVersion"`
DevicePresence string `json:"devicePresence"`
Role string `json:"role"`
IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress"`
ChangeState string `json:"changeState"`
FwBuildDate string `json:"fwBuildDate"`
SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"`
Status string `json:"status"`
SparePartNumber string `json:"sparePartNumber"`
PartNumber string `json:"partNumber"`
MgmtPortLinkState string `json:"mgmtPortLinkState"`
LinkPortState string `json:"linkPortState"`
MgmtPortStatus string `json:"mgmtPortStatus"`
LinkPortStatus string `json:"linkPortStatus"`
NegotiatedMgmtPortSpeedGbs int `json:"negotiatedMgmtPortSpeedGbs"`
NegotiatedLinkPortSpeedGbs int `json:"negotiatedLinkPortSpeedGbs"`
LinkPortIsolated bool `json:"linkPortIsolated"`
MgmtPortState string `json:"mgmtPortState"`
MgmtPortNeighbor struct {
MacAddress string `json:"macAddress"`
Port string `json:"port"`
IPAddress interface{} `json:"ipAddress"`
ResourceURI interface{} `json:"resourceUri"`
Description string `json:"description"`
} `json:"mgmtPortNeighbor"`
MgmtPortSpeedGbs string `json:"mgmtPortSpeedGbs"`
LinkPortSpeedGbs string `json:"linkPortSpeedGbs"`
Model string `json:"model"`
LinkedEnclosure struct {
BayNumber int `json:"bayNumber"`
SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"`
} `json:"linkedEnclosure"`
} `json:"managerBays"`
SupportState string `json:"supportState"`
SupportDataCollectionState interface{} `json:"supportDataCollectionState"`
SupportDataCollectionType interface{} `json:"supportDataCollectionType"`
SupportDataCollectionsURI string `json:"supportDataCollectionsUri"`
RemoteSupportURI string `json:"remoteSupportUri"`
RemoteSupportSettings struct {
RemoteSupportCurrentState string `json:"remoteSupportCurrentState"`
Destination string `json:"destination"`
} `json:"remoteSupportSettings"`
CrossBars []interface{} `json:"crossBars"`
Partitions []interface{} `json:"partitions"`
ScopesURI string `json:"scopesUri"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Name string `json:"name"`
State string `json:"state"`
Description interface{} `json:"description"`
FrameLinkModuleDomain string `json:"frameLinkModuleDomain"`
Version string `json:"version"`
PowerMode string `json:"powerMode"`
ManagerBayCount int `json:"managerBayCount"`
FansAndManagementDevicesWatts int `json:"fansAndManagementDevicesWatts"`
PowerCapacityBoostWatts int `json:"powerCapacityBoostWatts"`
MinimumPowerSupplies int `json:"minimumPowerSupplies"`
MinimumPowerSuppliesForRedundantPowerFeed int `json:"minimumPowerSuppliesForRedundantPowerFeed"`
PowerAvailableWatts int `json:"powerAvailableWatts"`
PowerCapacityWatts int `json:"powerCapacityWatts"`
DeviceBayWatts int `json:"deviceBayWatts"`
InterconnectBayWatts int `json:"interconnectBayWatts"`
PowerAllocatedWatts int `json:"powerAllocatedWatts"`
ApplianceBays []struct {
BayNumber int `json:"bayNumber"`
Model string `json:"model"`
DevicePresence string `json:"devicePresence"`
Status string `json:"status"`
SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"`
PartNumber string `json:"partNumber"`
SparePartNumber string `json:"sparePartNumber"`
BayPowerState string `json:"bayPowerState"`
PoweredOn bool `json:"poweredOn"`
} `json:"applianceBays"`
ApplianceBayCount int `json:"applianceBayCount"`
} `json:"members"`
Monday, December 10, 2018
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